Be prepared to be Amazed. Take a few minutes to watch these videos and read through the content.  This content and course will not only change your year but will have a lasting impact on your entire career.


It's a known fact that working with CPAs is the way to go from Good to Great. However working with CPAs is strategically obvious but tactically challenging. The Client Acquisition Machine has everything you need to succeed!

What if you were only able to partner with 1 CPA? Would that make a difference in your business? Well, after mastering this system you will not only know how to prospect for that CPA but exactly what to say and when to say it to build massive trust! This is only for financial advisors who want to crack the top 5% of the industry and raise your AUM by $100 Million

Why Should YOU Look at this?

Between the enormous wave of people in need of financial planning and the potency of this system, there has never been a time like this to get to the next level as a financial advisor. With the Low  Fee Brokerages and online trading platforms its more important than ever to have a strategic advantage. 

Not to mention that CPAs are receiving more and more pressure from various fronts to become more involved with their client's wealth management.

So if you are tired of running around in circles following low budget advice from "YouTube University", blowing every potential partnership with a CPA before it even happens, and watching your client count sit idle...  

Keep reading...

Again, this is only for those who are ready for more clients and fruitful partnerships, who have an exceptional desire to have life-changing success.

But first, a crystal clear disclaimer...

When it comes to any "How To" information, the average person usually walks away with little to no results. 

With over 25 years of experience training financial advisors and helping them grow their businesses into the millions, I say with confidence that you can achieve extraordinary results with this system.  But... Only if you follow it, and put in the work.

The results of all purchasers will likely vary as much as their background, experience, and coachability vary.  This wide variance is typical of any training system.

All business entails risk and requires a substantially large effort-based commitment.  Those unwilling to accept that should refrain from reading any further or making any purchase.

For those who are willing and ready to substantially grow their practice, let's continue on and take a deep look at... 

How You Can Achieve Results That Will Dwarf Your Investment Year After Year.  

Let's "Raise the hood" and dive in... 

"Hi, my name is Hank Zewald and I'm the founder of
I've been in the financial industry for over 30 years.  
I've Excelled as a CPA, Financial Planner, Insurance Agent, Business Owner, Industry Consultant, and Strategic Alliance Coach.
For quite some time, I've stuck with offline live training events mostly for large firms and financial institutions.  
Thanks to my varied experience, I’ve seen, coached, or personally experienced pretty much every kind of deficiency that a financial advisor could have".

Keep Reading....

So if you've consistently struggled to establish strategic partnerships with CPAs because of your lack of knowledge, confidence, etc... You can rest easy knowing that I've figured out the solution to your situation and I put that solution as well as many others inside of this robust system.

And yes it's true... Just the documents of this system (without any live or online training included) have been sold for $100,000 on multiple occasions.  

So consider this offer my gift back to the industry, and the first stepping stone to me sharing with you the #1 lead generation program for financial advisors in the world today.  

It's called the "Client Acquisition Machine" or CAM for short. 

The CAM is the ultimate lead-gen program to put you in front of the right clients (A/B clients, high net worth individuals, business owners, c-level execs with the endorsement from the most trusted advisor in the consumer marketplace.


See Current Offer

Take A Look at a Sneak Peak!

Push the Play Button


Let's get started!

This is just a sample of what's inside...

  • Discover The 3 Most Important Tools You Will Need To Create Long Term Success.  Without These, The CPA Will Quickly Sniff You Out And It Will Be Game over.
  • Uncover The 4 Missing Links For The CPA And How You Can Capitalize On Them To Setup And Continuously Strengthen Your Partnership.
  • The 4 Deep And Dark Secret Reasons Why A CPA Would Want To Partner With You. (Knowing These 4 Secret Reasons Gives You A Ton Of Leverage During Meetings To Speak Their Language)
  • The #1 Thing To Avoid When Establishing Roles With A CPA.  (Overly Ambitious Financial Advisors Frequently Make This Mistake And It Erases All Progress To Reach An Agreement.)
  • The Most Impactful Tool To Show The CPA You Are Different Than The Thousands Of Other Financial Professionals Who Are Prospecting Them All The Time.
  • The Step By Step Process And Methodology Of Running Strategic And Tactical First Meetings.
  • The Non-traditional Process Of Familiarizing Yourself With The Presentation So The CPA Sees And Feels You Quality Understanding Of The System.
  • The Playbook For Each Slide Of The Presentation So You Can Leverage The Underlying Purpose Of Each Slide.
  • Proven Samples Of High Converting Language You Can Use To Avoid Reinventing The Wheel.
  • The Major Final Component To Almost Guarantee The CPA's Excitement For A Second Meeting. 
  • The 5 Key Concerns Of All CPAs And The Exact Breakdown Of How To Help Them See Each Obstacle As An Opportunity For Them.
  • The Only 3 Things You Need To Focus On When Preparing And Executing Your Marketing Plan.
  • The 5 Key Business Development Strategies To Almost Guarantee Success In Your Marketing Efforts While Avoiding The Distractions That Decrease Effectiveness.
  • The Under The Radar But Highly Effective Way To Measure A CPA's Comfort Level While Potentially Adding Them As A Person Client To Your Practice.
  • The 7 Additional Marketing Strategies To Ensure Success And Inject A Mega Shot Of Confidence In Your CPA Partner Of How Fruitful This Partnership Will Be.
  • Everything You Will Need To Conduct Laser-Focused Events That Position You As The Expert In The CPA Community.
  • The #1 Thing You Should Never Ever Do With A CPA.  This Will Instantly Kill Any Shot You Had In Establishing A Partnership.
  • How To Use A Basic Math Concept Used By Children To Get The CPA To Eagerly Get You In Front Of His Clients.
  • The 5 Powerful Concepts That Will Help Avoid Any Deal-breaking Issues During The Integration Of Your Financial Services.
  • A Must-hear Interactive Session Between Hank And A Financial Advisor Where Hank Gives Proven Guidance On These Questions (and many more): 
    • After Completing This E-learning Course, How Much Time Should I Allocate To This Program And Developing Partnerships With CPAs And Other Key Centers Of Influence?
    • How Many CPAs Can I Effectively Work With?
    • If The CPA Decides That They Want To Engage In A Partnership And Get Licensed, What Would Be A Fair And Reasonable Revenue Split Arrangement?
    • How Long Does It Take To Find CPAs?  And How Long Will It Take To Develop Business?
    • As You Know, Many Financial Advisors Are Focused On Building Business Based Upon “Assets Under Management” Realistically, How Much AUM Could I Gather By Working With CPAs?


A Mock Meeting With Hank And A CPA That Gives You A Birds Eye View Into Exactly What To Do, What To Say, And What To Focus On For Success.



See What Our clients are Saying!

"When I saw the “Client Acquisition Machine”, I knew instantly that it had real potential. I was willing to make the really small dollar investment and give it a try. I went through the 18 unit E-Learning Course, utilized all the key components of The Turnkey System and followed Hank’s instructions to a tee. Take the time to look closely at CAM; it turned out to be a game changer for me and it can be for you as well. "

Jonathan D ~ Charlotte, NC

"For over 20 years we tried working and partnering with CPAs. The results were frustrating and disappointing; basically we got very little traction. Even though we knew that forging alliances with CPAs was one of the best ways to grow our business, we pretty much gave up trying. Enter Hank Zewald and the “Client Acquisition Machine” (CAM). The Turnkey System, E-Learning Course and coaching from Hank changed everything. The result; over $100 million of Assets under Management. BUY CAM as it will transform your business. "

Mike N ~Glastonbury, CT

With this robust system at your fingertips, even achieving conservative results can dwarf your investment today...

However, it's important to note there is a 30 DAY MONEY BACK guarantee that is at your disposal.

Why?  Because I want the Client Acquisition Machine to not only be an ROI monster for you, but I want it to be the vehicle that propels you into the stratosphere where those lofty goals and dreams live.

Focusing on these two ambitions position the Client Acquisition Machine as a "Drop in the bucket" for the eager advisor who's ready for the next level.

Here's another way to look at it...

With my Special offer Today (saving you $4,400), the "Investment" is only 

$497 - That's a 99% Discount!!

It comes with a rock-solid 100% money-back guarantee, which I go into more detail below.

(not to mention this may be a tax-deductible expense for you...)

Between 3 days seminars, inner circles, and private consulting... (not even including flights and lodging)

The CAM is the better dollar for dollar investment for those who are truly serious about reaching and even surpassing the $100 Million AUM milestone.

When you get started with the CAM, you get instant and unlimited access to everything.  

No Brainer! I'm IN

Everything is open from day one.

What would your business, life, and family look like with 1-2 new positive and prosperous strategic partnerships with successful CPAs that are referring 3-5 new clients per month to you?

Let's take the first real step to make it a reality!!

And remember, there's a money-back guarantee...

If the $100,000 worth of documents and E-course don't hit the mark for you, no worries... You are covered.  

Zero risks for you.

Give the CAM an intentional test drive, and if you don't feel it’s worth 20x to you over the course of your career, reach out and we will process your refund.

This offer is focused on getting you started with a clear head to get laser-focused on getting results by following the system.  

Conservative Scenario:  1 New CPA Partnership And 10 New Clients Over The Next 12 Months... Would The CAM Be Worth It For You?

Let's Look at those Numbers - 10 new clients with an average of $1Million of Assets to Invest. That's $10 Million of added AUM per Year! Now Compound that year over year!

Once you make the investment in yourself, you'll get immediate access.  You can go as fast or as slow as your heart and ambition desire.  

The worst-case scenario is you realize your ambition is lower than your lofty goals and send me an email to get your money back...

... And the best-case scenario is the top 1%.


  • The Turnkey System ($20,000 Value...It just seems weird to say it's worth a $100K)
  • The E-Learning Course ($4997 Value)
  • The Advisor Educational Kit ($299 Value)
  • Bi weekly Live meetings with Hank Zewald (Priceless)

That total is over $25,000

Yours For Only $497 One Time and No Monthly Fees.....EVER!

Click The Button Below To Take Advantage Of The Limited Time Offer.


OK...Why Not!

Still Not Convinced?

Do you want to know what the course looks like? Want to know if there is actually enough content to make a difference and propel your business to the next level? Below you will see a walk through of The Client Acquisition Machine recorded by our head of Sales and Marketing. Take A look then pull the trigger and let's take your practice to the next Level!


This is it!!! Last time I will ask you to take the steps to change your life forever! So what do you say?? Are you Ready?

OK...I'm Finally Ready! DISMISS MESSAGE


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*Eligibility for the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee is Contingent on Watching Less Than 30% of Course Material.

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